About Takayuki WARITA

一般社団法人フードダイバーシティジャパン代表理事。 小学生と幼稚園生の2児の父。 食物アレルギーに大きな意味で関わる事項(日々の生活、育児、食事など)についてポストしていきます。

Aug.26th, 2021 "One Day Event of Gluten Free" in collaboration with Boulangerie Puku-gari san


世田谷区の京王線千歳烏山駅の北口から徒歩5分に居を構える「手作りパン屋ぷくがり」さんと 「みんなで食事を楽しみたい」をコンセプトに活動している私たちフードアレルギージャパンは 協働企画「1日限りのグルテンフリーの日」を催行することになりました。 ※当初、フードアレルギージャパンのフレンドショップ各オーナーがご来店し、お話できる企画を予定していましたがコロナ禍の状況を鑑みて見送ることになりました。素晴らしい各店のお品を数量限定で販売することは予定通り行います(2021年8月22日更新) 〇日時:2021年8月26日(木)10:00-18:30           ※特設スペース(フードアレルギージャパンフレンドブース)は11:00-17:00です 〇場所:手作りパン屋ぷくがり さん    ※〒157-0062 東京都世田谷区南烏山6-27-6 プレズィール千歳烏山 ある日奥様が小麦アレルギーを発症されました。 ご夫妻は小麦を使わない米粉パンの研究を進め、販売をするまでに至りました。 この日はいつもの小麦パンが店頭に並びません。 ぷくがりさんの米粉パンをはじめ、小麦を使用しない様々な魅力的な商品と出会えます。 岡村ご夫妻のお気持ち「食べられる」「選べる」「探せる」楽しみを味わっていただきたく、 店内奥の特設コーナーでは、日本全国のフードアレルギージャパンのフレンドショップの商品を少量ご用意しています。 店舗によっては、オーナーが来店するのでお話できます(詳細は追ってお知らせします)。 (オーナーご来店はCovid-19の状況を鑑みて見送ります。割田は滞在し、おもてなし予定です。2021年8月22日更新) 数に限りはあるので完売の折にはご容赦いただければと思いますが、各お店の魅力や情報をチラシや口頭でお伝えしています。コロナ禍ですので感染予防に配慮しながらも、皆さまとお会いできることを楽しみにしています。 特設スペースでご紹介するフードアレルギージャパンのフレンドショップは下記のとおりです。 ・お店によってはオーナーがぷくがりさんにお越しになるのでお話することができます予定でしたが見送ります。(※1) ・提供する数に限りがあるので購入上限数を設けさせていただきます(※2) ※1 コロナ禍での開催ですので下記内容にご協力ください。制約はありますが、フードアレルギージャパンの割田はお会いできることを楽しみにしています。 ・自宅で必ず『体温測定(検温)』をしていただき、37.5℃以上の発熱や体調不良のある場合、ご来店をお控えください ・マスク着用、店内での手指消毒ください ・密を避けるため、状況によっては店外でお待ちいただく場合があります ・感染状況によっては店主来店予定や入荷予定に変更が生じる可能性があります。変更時は協会のFacebook, Instagram, WebSiteなどでお知らせします ※2 ・提供数は下表のとおり少量になります ・商品を多くの方に知っていただくことが目的の1つになるので購入数を限らせていただきます ・他のご家族/グループへのご配慮をお願いします # 店名 販売 予定商品 食品表示法 28品目アレルゲン 販売 予定個数 販売 制限数 販売開始 予定時間 オーナー 来店時間 1 PARK miyakonojo (宮崎県) ヴィーガン玄米アイス ①玄米プレーン ②日向夏&レモン ③黒ごまきな粉 ①なし ②なし ③大豆、ごま 3種類合計 で10個程度 3個 11時~ 予定なし 2 GLUTEN FREE TREATS (東京都) ①お米とアマランサスのパンケーキミックス [...]

Aug.26th, 2021 "One Day Event of Gluten Free" in collaboration with Boulangerie Puku-gari san2021-08-25T22:48:50+09:00

Apr.5th, 2021 Food Allergy Association of Japan is celebrating its third year in operation.


Today, April 5, 2021, we, Food Allergy Association of Japan, are celebrating our third year in operation. Thank you so much for all your support.

Apr.5th, 2021 Food Allergy Association of Japan is celebrating its third year in operation.2022-04-10T16:09:31+09:00

Information about business hours of New Year holidays (2020-2021)


Thank you very much for your kind support. The following period will be closed for the year-end and New Year holidays. Happy Holidays and warm wishes for 2021!! The last business day : December 29th, 2020 The first business day : January 4th, 2021

Information about business hours of New Year holidays (2020-2021)2020-12-29T15:32:47+09:00

Dec.2nd, 2020 Food Allergy Association of Japan's activities were featured on FM radio


On Dec.1st, 2020, Food Allergy Association of Japan's representative, Takayuki WARITA, appeared on the program on FM Setagaya, the community FM station in Setagaya, which is the base area of Food Allergy Association of Japan's activities.

Dec.2nd, 2020 Food Allergy Association of Japan's activities were featured on FM radio2020-12-02T15:08:11+09:00

Sep. 16th, 2020 Our Activity was introduced in the public relations magazine "SETAGAYA ECONOmix" jointly published by Setagaya City Administration and others.


The activities of us, Food Allergy Association of Japan, was introduced in the public relations magazine "SETAGAYA ECONOmix" jointly published by Setagaya Ward Administration and others. Our activities to promote the disclosure of food allergy information for the aim of creating fun time around dining table with and without food allergies were featured (the article is written in Japanese).

Sep. 16th, 2020 Our Activity was introduced in the public relations magazine "SETAGAYA ECONOmix" jointly published by Setagaya City Administration and others.2020-09-16T21:37:13+09:00

May 29th, 2020 SmileMenu was introduced in "Sebone" published by Setagaya Volunteer Association.


2020.05.29 Smile Menu was introduced in "Sebone" published by the Setagaya Volunteer Association. "Smile Menu", our restaurant and take-out stores search service for food allergies, was introduced in "Sebone No.193, May 2020" published by the Social Welfare Corporation Setagaya Volunteer Association (*). With the theme of "Toward a society where everyone can enjoy their meals with peace of mind," we and our service are published four pages in the special feature at the beginning (this article is written in Japanese). https://www.otagaisama.or.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/pdf/SEVONE193-202005-in.pdf

May 29th, 2020 SmileMenu was introduced in "Sebone" published by Setagaya Volunteer Association.2020-05-29T10:59:06+09:00

May 15th, 2020 Beginning of English version "SmileMenu", a food allergy compatible restaurant and take-out store search service.


May 15th, 2020 We have started SmileMenu in English, a food allergy compatible restaurant and take-out store search service. We, Food Allergy Association of Japan, aims for people with food allergies to share a meal on the same table with friends and family, and be able to enjoy the time naturally. People with food allergies often feel fear and unease, as if walking through a thick fog, when eating out or taking out. SmileMenu will light the way through this fog by providing food allergy related information of each stores and would like to enable people with food allergies to “judge whether they can safely utilize the store”. We asked and provided support to stores such as restaurants and delicatessen to disclose their food allergy related information so that the stores could materialize their good faith and had started "SmileMenu", a food allergy compatible restaurant and take-out store search service in Jan.2020. We are so much pleased to announce that "SmileMenu" is now available in English. https://smilemenu.jp/en/ We sincerely hope that, through SmileMenu, people with food allergies, and restaurant and take-out store, will have better communication and have deeper understanding of each other, creating a place full of smiles. Please enjoy using SmileMenu, and try out this new communication tool. We welcome all feedbacks and comments so we can make the service even better!!

May 15th, 2020 Beginning of English version "SmileMenu", a food allergy compatible restaurant and take-out store search service.2020-05-15T17:23:42+09:00

Feb 16th, 2020 Notice of trade name change.


Second extraordinary general meeting was held on February 8th, 2020, where our trade name would be changed from February 16th, 2020. New Name : Food Allergy Association of Japan Old Name : Food Diversity Association of Japan Having a food allergy is not special, but an individuality. We desire to create a world that can be captured in the context of diversity. Although our feelings have not changed since the beginning, we decided to change our trade name because we believe that using the term "allergy" is more intuitive and will more easily convey our purpose. We will continue to strive for a society where one can profess having food allergies, and is perceived / accepted as a very natural thing by mutual understanding and compassion of the world. We would like to ask for the continued cooperation of all concerned parties.

Feb 16th, 2020 Notice of trade name change.2020-02-29T17:51:22+09:00

Jan 22nd, 2020 Beginning of SmileMenu, a food allergy compatible restaurant and take-away store search engine.


We at food diversity japan aim for people with food allergies to share a meal on the same table with friends and family, and be able to enjoy the time naturally.
Please enjoy using SmileMenu, and try out this new communication tool. We welcome all feedbacks and comments so we can make the service even better!!

Jan 22nd, 2020 Beginning of SmileMenu, a food allergy compatible restaurant and take-away store search engine.2020-01-24T17:32:29+09:00
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